Mobile Offshore Production Unit (MOPU)
Mobile Offshore Production Units (MOPU) converted from existing self-elevating unit (SEU) are often considered for shallow water production fields. They offer opportunities for fast-track development in comparison to new construction of fixed jackets and are typically able to be deployed on site without specialized offshore installation vessels.
Floating Storage Offloading Tankers (FSO)
An offshore unit equipped for crude storage and offloading to a shuttle tanker. Oil from a Mobile Production Offshore Unit (MOPU) is transferred by an export flexible flowline to a Floating Storage Offloading (FSO) Vessel which is spread moored close to the MOPU. FSO is modified to suit the field requirements and operated to the most efficient and safe international standards. Offloading from FSO to shuttle tanker is carried out by Ship-to-Ship Operations.
Conductor Supported Wellhead Platform
Shallow water well bay modules connected to a jack-up mobile offshore production unit (MOPU) support wells in a similar way to a traditional platform but eliminate the need for the CAPEX commitment of a fixed jacket platform as well as fast tracks the development.
Spread Mooring System
Spread mooring systems are multi-point mooring systems that moor vessels to the seabed using multiple mooring lines.
While the vessel is in a fixed heading relative to the seabed, its bow typically heads into the dominant environment which is usually the direction where the largest waves are coming from.
Export Flexible Flowline
Hydrocarbons are transferred from the MOPU to the FSO by Export Flexible Flowline which is submerged at the seabed with ballast collars for bottom stability and with a provision of a Lazy S arrangement at the FSO end to allow for the tanker movements. Emergency Release Coupling is installed on the Tanker end for Safety reasons and to prevent any Oil Pollution in case of an emergency disconnection.